Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The Mountain Fridge

The mountain fridge, whats that I hear you ask!

During the summer months when there is no snow around and the temperatures are soaring you need somewhere to keep your perishables such as butter, smoked moose salami :), and fish you have caught fresh for a few extra days. How do you do that then?

Its really quite simple. Up in the mountains you are often never too far from bogs and wet areas. The soft ground here is made up of mosses and soft earth. If you dig down 20-40cm without the hole getting filled with water you can use this as a fridge. Keep everything you have dug out next to the hole so you can fill it in again when you leave. Also keep the top layer of moss so you can use it as a lid. Place food (making sure its in a sealed bag) in the hole and cover with the moss lid and hey presto you have a fridge.

How does this work? The water in the bogs and wet areas never really manages to get warm during the summer. Temperatures range from just a few degrees up to maybe 10-15oC depending on where you are. Summer temperatures can reach up to the high 20s, so a fridge like this will make a huge difference to your trip.

Very important tip!! Mark the spot with a stick or stone or something, otherwise you’ll have a hard time finding it again!!

Remember leave no trace that you have been there!