Thats what its all about. But how do you get there, thats the big question? The aim of this blog is help you get there through inspirational stories and informative tips & tricks.
What makes me an expert and why listen to what I have to say? What is an expert, really? Personally I dont consider myself to be an expert, and I dont think any other experts would use that title, they would probably say that they have a lot of experience, just as I would say. They and I know that being an expert doesnt really mean anything, what matters is experience!
Lets just say that I have experience and we’ll leave it at that. Or you can take a look at my website to get a better idea:
I dont know how often i’ll be able to post here seeing as i’m out in the wilderness so much, but what I can say is that posts wont be too long and will have plenty of pretty pictures.
Of course i’ll post about things and places I like or are interesting at that moment, but what do I like to do? I like to find places that few others go to and am most often than not quite far from the beaten track. At the moment its a lot of shorter trips closer to home, because I have small children. But now and then I need to get away on longer trips a bit further away. Where do I live? I live in Kristinehamn in Värmland Region in Sweden.
Some of my favourite places: Möre & Romsdal more specific Sunnmöre Alps in western Norway, Femundmarka in Norway, Rogen nature reserve Sweden, northern Värmland region Sweden with its deep taiga, Lake Vänerns fresh water archipelago Värmland region Sweden, ……the list goes on, could probably be here all night!
Anyway heres a pretty picture to get things up and running:
Northern Värmland region, Sweden. Taken in early May 2010 after spending a night in a hide at a Capercaillie lek. Didnt see anyone for 2 days.

PS All comments and questions are welcome!
Bye for now, Alistair McCann